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The power of being human in healing & recovery

Photo by Anete Lucina via, edited by KT

Photo by Anete Lucina via, edited by KT

In the last month of 2016, I was deeply struck by the death of AA Gill, a "journo giant", who died from cancer. It inspired me to write this article about why being human to each other, and to ourselves, can have a profound affect in healing and recovery and at the very least make an individual feel that they matter, especially when facing terminal illness.


AA Gill's last article, published just one day after his death explained his traumatic and frustrating journey of care from the NHS in the last months of his life. I was struck by how beautifully he narrated his situation. He was denied a life lengthening treatment, immunotherapy, because it is too expensive to get on the NHS. He acknowledged the genuine care towards of the people who work within the NHS towards him, mentioning in particular a nurse who was devastated to learn that his chemo was no longer working. He ended his article by saying,  "you don't get that in the private sector" referring to the humanity and empathy of the nurse.

You can read AA Gill's parting gift to the world here:


Same same but same

The turn of a new year always makes us a bit more philosophical as we look back at what we have achieved and then look forward to what lies ahead for us. I see countless Facebook posts about 2017 being the year of kindness, of solidarity, peace, togetherness, humanity. I myself posted my new years message, urging people "to be the change you want to see".  New year or mid year, we all want the same thing to feel the humanity of others and to feel that we matter. It's what connects us and it has powerful healing properties.


How to be human 

Above all, whether you work with people or have people in your life who are in pain or recovering or not, the way we can help each other in a daily way is just by being human. Being human to me means being kind. It means holding space for someone when they need you; listening to someone in need of being heard; giving of your time, energy and love. It also means holding space for yourself, listening to yourself and allowing yourself to be quiet, giving back to and loving yourself. I believe the body knows how to heal itself otherwise our species would not have survived this long. It needs the right conditions - physically, mentally and emotionally to help it along. 


Humanity heals

This is relevant in our personal lives, in our work life and particularly in medicine and therapy when you seek help for illness and injury. Being human or what the medical profession often call "bedside manner", can have a profound affect on your perception and ability to recover.  It is really important that you choose therapists and medical practitioners you trust, have a good relationship with and who hold space for you without judgement or ego during your healing and recovery. If you feel you need more "human" than what is being offered do not be afraid to walk away and find therapists who better suit your needs. My new guru, the late Louis Gifford, believed that the human part of therapy and medicine is as important as the healing of tissue, because you, your consciousness, is part of that healing. Your synaptic connections, your thoughts, play a part in what messages get sent from the brain to the tissues. Feeling safe and cared for positively impacts your emotional and mental outlook on recovery.  


Human yourself  

And kindness and humanity doesn't always have to come from others. Being human to yourself is just as important. I firmly believe part of the self-management of your own injury or condition is being kind, loving and compassionate to yourself. So go be more human to yourself and others in 2017 and see what impact it has on your healing and recovery, your life and the lives of those around you.


If you are struggling with an ongoing injury, or have suffered with ongoing pain that just won't go away we can help. Please contact KT at for a complimentary phone conversation. 





The Precision Movement end of year message

Another 365 days down as we say goodbye to 2016 in just a few weeks time.  In celebration of 2016 I'd like to share with you my Christmas message... 

What an amazing year we have seen in the UK.  No year is ever dull here but 2016 was particularly colourful.  The people voted on Brexit, we got a new Prime Minister a British win at Wimbledon, a British win in the Tour De France, 27 gold medals and 2nd place in the medal table at the Olympics in Rio.  It just goes to show what a nation of talented, motivated, driven people can do when they put their minds to it. 

In the world of Precision Movement we helped numerous people out of pain and back to full movement function.  This year I've had people compete in the London Marathon, Pru100 cycle ride, I had clients return to golf after years of pain and injuries, a client participate in a kayaking adventure week in Scotland, 2 clients competed in the Patrouilles Des Glaciers for the 4th time.  I successfully sent clients on ski holidays, watersports holidays, and I rehabbed a total knee replacement which was super fun!  Others have returned to a life without pain, cycling to work, running at their leisure, playing a game of football with their friends - and this is why I do what I do...

Life is short.  I am a firm believer in designing your life.  Pain and injuries are sometimes a part of an active life - but they shouldn't stop you from getting back on track and getting out there, experiencing and living the life you want to live.  Precision Movement exists for the adventurers, the explorers, the active souls who want to really live a life without restraints, without borders - a life of freedom.  Our clients (that's you) live the type of life that creates stories around the dinner table leaving your grandchildren mesmerised, in awe and inspired to go out a life their own life of freedom and adventure.  Yours is the life that other envy - it's full, its beautiful and if injury or pain ever strikes, we'll get your better so you can go out and do it all over again!

So as we enter 2017 I want to know what you will all go on to do next.  You've got 365 days in 2017... what will you achieve?  What heights will you reach?  What depths will you delve to?  

All in all its been another amazing, inspiring year for me at Precision Movement.  I cannot do my job without the support, the loyalty and the 'fight' that you bring to your movement, rehab and training journeys with me.  Keep talking about Precision Movement and what it has helped you achieve.  Send us the adventurers, the explorers and anyone who just wants their freedom back!  

Wishing you all a safe, healthy, happy and festive holiday season with family and friends.  Take this time to rest and recover and I'll see you all again in 2017 for more adventures!  

Why are you tired all the time?

Why are you tired all the time?

Precision Movement presents Samantha George from H Personal Coaching to explain what Adrenal Fatigue is and how it adversely affects healing and recovery.

ManMade - A Case Study on the making of a man

ManMade - A Case Study on the making of a man

Precision Movement's KT shares her latest case study of Andrea Domeninchini the creator of ManMade and Voices in the Dark.  Dre was suffering with chronic pain that just would not go away.  Find out what happened when he worked with KT.  Dre has made a video series about his journey called ManMade.

The Injuries and Rehabilitation of 3 Top Tennis Stars

The Injuries and Rehabilitation of 3 Top Tennis Stars

Precision Movement's KT discusses the injuries and inspiring rehabilitation of three top tennis stars as the US Open Tennis tournament 2016 gets underway.  

What is the essence of Precision Movement? (KT on film!)

What is the essence of Precision Movement? (KT on film!)

Precision Movement introductory video explain how and why they can help you recover from back pain and injury effectively.

Wearables - say What-ables?

Can you believe it?  Technology has now reached posture!  Technology now called "wearables" have become accessible to the public.  Consisting of a wearable piece that is linked to an app on your phone it tracks how you sit and stand and transmits a gentle vibration to remind you to sit up straight when you start slouching.  In this article I reveal the most popular wearables for 2016, the upside and the downside of using them and I explain why adopting one position for long periods of time is detrimental to the health and wellness of your body.  Read on to find out more...


The wearables of 2016

Lumolift is a small sensor that you place on your t-shirt at chest level.  It measures the angle of your torso and gently vibrates to remind you to sit up straight if you start slouching.  

ALEX is a wearable neck device that sits around the back of the neck monitoring alignment and sending out a vibration reminder when the wearer begins to slouch.  It is currently crowdfunding through Kickstarter so not available to the public right now.  


The upside

I am all for new technology.  Technology is woven into every part of our life now so it is natural that designers and product developers are thinking up ways to influence health, wellness and now posture.  

I think a positive about wearables is that they provide some sort of consistent reminder of what an individual is trying to achieve - in this case better posture.  When trying to improve posture in sitting, standing and corresponding movement, consistency is absolutely imperative to create change.  We build programmes for movement and posture that are stored in our brain.  The more we use these patterns the stronger they become.  I liken it to drawing a line in the mud with a stick - the more times you do this the deeper the groove in the mud becomes.  When we work on posture or a new movement pattern we cannot overwrite an old programme in the brain we can only build a new one and try to make it the preferred one.  The key to making a movement or posture pattern dominant is to repeatedly use it so it becomes stronger.  In essence a wearable can act as a consistent reminder to make a preferred posture pattern stronger. 


The downside

As a posture and movement specialist sitting and standing better is not just a matter of sitting/standing "up".  The changes in posture that an individual needs to make are as individual as their injuries and or discomfort.  

Everyone I work with here at Precision Movement receives bespoke programmes and bespoke cues for improving and changing posture.  What is really key in sitting and standing posture is the information you give an individual to elicit change.  

Often if you tell someone to sit up straight or stand better they get taller but often lean back.  They hinge from the mid-back and the position of the shoulders and head stay the same in relation to the chest and back.  This is no more correct than slouching forwards and can lead to as many if not more problems in time.  It is also common for an individual to "hold" themselves in a better posture creating a higher resting tension in muscles which is both metabolically inefficient and will lead to muscles becoming overworked, tired and sore.  

Posture and movement are intricate, delicate, and sensitive systems that require subtle, measured changes to achieve optimal joint centration and muscle balance. 

I give my clients a 10 minute audio posture meditation to listen to on their commute to work, during their lunch break or on their commute home to remind them of the cues for better posture.  You can listen to it below or click here to the article I wrote about it. 

Precision Movement 10 minute Posture Meditation

Posture isn't static

The body is built for movement.  It is well known and certainly well written about that sitting at a desk is not good for posture.  It is true that sitting creates undesirable postures but stagnancy is equally to blame for poor posture, discomfort and injury.  

Movement helps prevent muscles, joints and connective tissue from stiffening up.  Movement helps pump blood into muscles, it pushes lymphatic fluid out and both provide cells with nutrients and remove toxins.  This also helps reduce discomfort.  

Rather than trying to sustain one good posture all day it is also beneficial to stand up and walk around the office or go out for lunch.  At Precision Movement we often give individuals stretches and mobilisations to do in their chair just to create a bit of movement away from sitting still for long periods.  

The solution

I think wearables could have a place in reminding an individual on a consistent basis to think about a better way to carry themselves.  But (and I rarely ever use the word but), the information given to an individual about how to improve alignment is absolutely crucial to the success of improved posture.  

So in conclusion, the cues that an individual is given to improve posture are the real gold here, the wearable can act as a positive reminder in the early stages of change.  I would recommend anyone wanting to use one to work with a posture specialist and incorporate the wearable in sessions.  I would also recommend a programme of stretches and mobilisations that can be done in an office setting also to encourage movement.  The ultimate goal is to find good posture and movement without the use of external stimulus so an appropriate phase out of the wearable should be considered also.

The 5 benefits of massage treatment (plus FREEBIE!)

Hello!  I'm back.  After a long sabbatical of blogging I've returned to share my insights, new finds and help information to help you all recover from injury effectively and maintain a healthy and enjoyable life through movement and fitness.

As many of your already know I am training to be a soft tissue therapist.  In it's simplest form I can be referred to as a massage therapist but the techniques I am learning also help with soft tissue injury recovery.  Massage is mostly regarded an enjoyable experience that helps you feel more relaxed.  But it has many other important benefits for health, injury recovery and training.  Read onto find out the top 5 benefits of regular massage treatment. 


The flow of fluids  

Massage has a pumping effect on blood circulation which helps transport nutrients for growth, repair and nutrition as well as removing waste products at a cellular level.   Lymph is fluid found in tissues that is not part of blood that holds certain nutrients and also collects waste products from cells.  Unlike the blood, the lymphatic system does not have a pump system.  Lymph is moved through muscle contraction.  However, if you are recovering from injury and unable to contract certain muscles then massage can help push lymph through the body more effectively.  


Body maintenance for regular training

For those of you who train regularly massage is an important maintenance tool for recovery and increased training gains.  When you exercise you create micro-trauma (tears) in muscle fibres.  The body responds by laying down repair tissues (scar tissue) for healing.  This is all perfectly normal.  However, with repeated training sometimes the tissues doesn't get enough time to heal so scar tissue can build up without you noticing until there is a significant impairment in muscle function or pain.  Regular massage therapy can help identify small areas of build up and break them down before they become an issue.  Post-workout massage can increase the rate of healing and recovery which means your body is in the best working condition for your next training session.  


Injury recovery

Massage can be a great contributor to the healing of soft tissue injury.  When muscle fibres are injured the body lays down scar tissue in the first stage of healing.  When the fibres are healed the body clears up the excess scar tissue.  However, sometimes due to a premature return to exercise scar tissue does not fully leave the healed area and then lays down more in response to micro trauma from exercise.  An excessive build up of scar tissue can lead to layers of muscle fibres, which ordinarily glide over each other, sticking together.  This can impair the function of the muscle and surrounding tissues and potentially lead to further injury.  Massage can help break down the scar tissue and adhesions and realign the fibres so the muscle can heal and return to full function.


Localised tissue flexibility

Sometimes rather than a whole muscle, only a portion of the muscle becomes tight.  Stretching the whole muscle cannot reach the portion that really needs to be stretched.  Certain massage techniques can help stretch and release localised tissue and also helps to draw muscle fibres and sheets of muscle fibres and fascia (connective tissue) apart in different directions.  Massage therapists can help identify areas of tightness before they start affecting performance and/or causing discomfort.  


Nervous system

The immediate effects from massage are felt mostly through the nervous system.  The direct affect of massage is that is stimulates nerve receptors in the tissues and reduces tissue tension.  Nerve receptors also respond to touch, warmth and pressure which helps place the body in a parasympathetic state - otherwise known as a state of relaxation, healing and recovery.  It helps decrease blood pressure, mental and emotional tension and encourages digestion.  That is why you feel so good after a massage!  


One stop shop

In fact, massage is beneficial on so many levels that in my opinion it can no longer be seen as a luxury or a treat.  With our busy lifestyles, it is imperative that we stop and take time to relax, heal and recover.  When you book a massage treatment you have no choice but to lie on the couch and be treated.  Even if you don't want to go because you have a million other things you think you should be doing, after your treatment you'll feel like a different person!  For me it's akin to the benefits of meditation or a micro-vacation!


Free massage

As part of my training I am required to log 100 hours of practice treatments.  I hold my free massage clinic on Fridays between 3-7pm in Mayfair.  Treatment is 100% free until I qualify in July.  The only charge is the clinic room hire of £20.  So, if you would like to experience some or all of the benefits of massage email me at and we'll get you set up with a date for treatment!  

An audio postural meditation for you

Precision Movement 10 min Posture Meditation
written and spoken by KT



I'm always trying to think of ways to recreate the sessions you do in the studio for your to travel with or do at home.  As you know, consistency is the key to getting better faster.  


I have considered doing video clips of exercises but I'd rather not have your attention on a screen when it should be on your body and how exercise feels. So, I've come up with something I think is much much better! I'm going to trial audio recorded training sessions.  



1.  It's the closest recreation of doing a session in the studio with me but without me. 

2. You'll hear my motivating little voice saying all those helpful little analogies and KTisms that get you in the right alignment doing the right movement. 

3. You can take your focus into your body and use a mirror for feedback instead of looking at a screen. 

4. You can put on your headphones anytime, anywhere and inconspicuously do your programme. You'll look like a total pro in the gym! ;)

5.  You'll be more motivated to do that third and final set instead of just doing the bare minimum two.  You know it's the last set that really counts!


First come first served... for the freebies!

I'll be trailing the bespoke recorded training session for free for the first three people to email me.  I think one has already gone now so there are only two free ones left.  Just inbox me at and I'll record your latest home programme for you to download and listen to whenever, wherever.  

Going forwards, bespoke recorded sessions will be charged - fee upon request! 


Freebie for all

As as a preview, and due to popular demand, I've recorded a demo above. It's a 10 minute guided postural meditation that you can listen to on your commute to work or on a 10 minute break during your day. You can do it sitting or standing.  Let me know what you think! 

For those of you not working with me at the moment, if you don't understand what the analogies in the recording mean please do feel free to book a postural session with me so I can teach you.  Once you know what all the references are the recording will make much more sense!

If you would like me to send this recording to you directly so you can download it to your phone please ask me in your next session or email me at


Precision movement philosophy phrases to live by


After last weeks blog about checking in with your goals for the last quarter of the year, I thought I'd follow that with some motivational inspiration. Sometimes we get so bogged down with the day to day stuff we forget the big picture reasons for living and enjoying life. So here are the Precision Movement phrases to live by... Everybody say Om! 


1. You are what you absorb 

Sadly just eating the right foods is now not enough if you are not absorbing their goodness! How do you know if you are absorbing the nutrition you eat? Well you should feel good for eating highly nutritious food but most of us don't know what good feels like if we have only what we feel like now to compare it to. So my recommendation would be to get your gut tested and see how functional it is. See our partners page for contact information on Karen Maidment and Hannah Richards who can help with this. 


2. Movement is the foundation of life 

From the movement of blood and transport of nutrients and removal of toxins to getting around town movement is absolutely essential for life. It's also really important to move well, efficiently and effectively to minimise injury and discomfort. I believe movement is as important as breathing, eating and sleeping.  Stagnation leads to injury, depression and indifference.  So move more and move well - if you need some help with this you know where I am. 


3. Your body is a thoroughbred 

We can take our body for granted. We don't think about what it does every day to enable us to live, to see, to hear, to communicate, to move, to breathe, to digest food. Our body is a gift, it is our house and we should take care of it like it's a thoroughbred race horse or a top of the line sports car. You wouldn't put sludge in a sports car so don't put rubbish in your body. You want to nurture your body, feed and water it well, give it sunlight and fresh air, move it regularly and give it a bit of challenge every day to make sure it can withstand the toughness of life. 


4. Study your user manual 

Too many people assume they know how to move well. Here's what happens - we are born, we teach ourselves to move (amazing!), we continue to learn good movement and sports in childhood and hopefully our teen years. Then we go to university and we either continue (super amazing!) or we stop moving. Then we go to work and it's basically all over. I'm generalising here but you get the idea. When we enter the work place we teach our bodies to adapt to the sitting work environment which can give us all kinds of issues. The greatest gift you can give yourself is re-learning good movement either through a sport like martial arts or dance or working with a movement specialist to support you and get you back to your sports. 


5. If you don't use it you lose it

I am a personal testament to this! If I don't exercise regularly I start to lose my strength, my stability my tone and my shape. Many of the people I work with begin to lose their postural endurance and flexibility.  You've got to make an ongoing commitment to yourself to maintain your body. You'll live a longer happier life if your body is agile, functional and well taken care of. It really comes down to loving yourself enough to take care of yourself. 


6. Get in your discomfort zone

Comfort doesn't lead to growth or change. I purposefully placed myself in some very uncomfortable situations this summer to remind myself what it's like for my clients to change movement patterns and posture - it can be frustrating and uncomfortable both physically, mentally and emotionally. So I do know what it's like to start something completely new - I highly recommend it regularly. The joy comes when you master something that you've been struggling with - that's growth, that's change, that's a life worth living and an example worth setting to your children, friends and family around you. 


7. Movement is a constant teacher 

I'm finding more and more as I work with clients watching them learn and connect with their bodies that movement serves as a fantastic teacher. No matter how long you have been training you can always learn some new movement or reconnect with how movement feels in your body. To me, mastering movement is not about just exercising it is about really understanding how your body works and serves you. I highly advocate using movement and sports for challenge and personal growth. I am still humbled by movement - it's always been my greatest teacher. 


8. Mind over matter 

Firstly the brain is the control centre of movement. We don't move unless the brain is motivated towards something. Many things are involved in the motivation of movement. One of the important factors is how you feel about/towards that intention. If you dislike what you are doing your brain gives a different output in contrast to if you do like what you are doing. So, when moving, even if the movement or exercise is something you don't particularly like, train your mind to find the benefit in it and feed that information through the brain and attach it to the exercise. The brain/mind/body will avoid things it doesn't like - so override the dislike factor - reframe it. The saying mind over matter is never more true than it is here! 


9. Be present 

When anyone comes to work with me in the studio yes there are reps and sets and alignment and gains and goals etc. But what I really think they gain is the experience of being present in their body. It might sound a little kooky but going to the studio or the gym and just going through the motions, the reps, the sets, thinking about work or what you'll do afterwards is really not as beneficial as being present with your body for your workout. Movement is an enriching educational experience. It's an outlet, a form of expression, a release of energy or a way of conjuring up energy. But all this good stuff only happens when we are present in our movement. It's like anything really - when you are present you are alive and the experience is banked. When you are somewhere else you're just wasting what you're doing in the present. 


So there you have it - 9 magical philosophical paragraphs to live by.   Now go forth and conquer... :D 

Is this the best hotel gym space in London?



As many of your know Precision Movement has been making extensive additions and changes to our little Mayfair studio space courtesy of Grosvenor House Apartments.  And though she be little she is (mighty) fierce and versatile.  Here are the new changes to the space and how they optimise your workout.



The rig 

This March we had a custom designed BeaverFit rig installed into the ceiling.  This has been the most anticipated change in the studio since we moved in.  The rig will be used for pullup/chin up and brachiation training. Also check out the fat GRIPZ for extra intensity without extra load.  It has proved super popular so far! 




Suspension Training 


The rig also enables us to use TRx, Crosscore180 and Olympic Rings for suspension and aerial training.  Bring on the strength!  The rig is 3.5m long meaning we can have someone working on the Kinesis, someone working on the TRx and someone in the weight area quite comfortably.



The floorspace 

The matted floorspace has been increased by a third meaning more workable space for people to use and more people using the space at the same time.  It also means the floorspace becomes more versatile - we can bring out a barre for a ballet workout or clear the space for kickboxing or a yoga based work-in.  We have had some guests using the space to practice their karate katas and MMA moves.  We have left the space open for just this purpose because no single person's workout is the same and we want to cater to that as much as possible.



We now have adjustable weights up to 41kg each alongside the original rack of 1-10kg.  We have a few olympic bars and weight plates for more traditional strength training as well as weighted medicine balls and powerbags.  The original Kinesis cable machine is still installed as well.

 The bring out put back system 

We have lots of different equipment that can be used in the space - kettlebells, powerbags, battling ropes, agility equipment, olympic bars, medicine balls.  We bring out what we need into the space for your specific workout and then put it back to open the space up again.  It sounds really obvious but many gyms, particularly hotel and residence gyms are the same space as our little studio but packed full of machines which limits the type of exercise you can do in the space. Training has moved on past machines... there are some uses for machine work but at Precision Movement we are more steered towards challenging your body in different ways. Which is why we think our space is becoming one of the best hotel gyms in London. 

The space is being used more than it ever has been and it's being used in many ways, for all kinds of movement, workouts and sports conditioning.  If you haven't been down to visit yet, then please do. We'd love to have you! 

What Precision Movement clients do with their training

As most of you know I am a rehab specialist working with people to help alleviate discomfort through corrective exercise and developmental kinesiology for better postural alignment.  I have in recent years had the great privilege of training clients for sports events and life changing adventures after rehabilitating them out of pain.

Here are two of the latest stories showing what is possible to achieve with the training we offer at Precision Movement...

A second medal for Geraldine  

A second medal for Geraldine  

Geraldine ran the London Marathon for the 2nd time in 3 years this year to raise money for Bowel Cancer UK.  She ran a solid 4:42 which we are both really proud of.  Her training at Precision Movement focussed on stability of the lower limb joints as well as the whole spine and ribcage as she has hypermobility.  This was complimented with classic strength training in the first 4 of the 6 months of marathon training, gradually tapering to strength endurance work for the last 2 months.

Steve up front leading the pack

Steve up front leading the pack

Long time client Steve trekked 100km in Norway over 7 days reprising the original route of the Telemark saboteurs during World War 2.  For this adventure, we focussed on classic strength training and stability of the lower limbs, which we co-ordinated with his endurance training programme.

Well done to you both - incredibly inspiring!  I can't wait to see who comes up with what next!

If you have an event or an adventure you would like to do and you think you may need some guidance training for it then please do get in contact by emailing and for more information visit our website at 






The most efficient fat loss workouts

Let the count down begin!  From today you have 6 weeks until the summer holidays begin.  That's 42 days to feel your healthiest and fittest for this summer whether you are trekking a mountain trail, taking your workouts to the beach or learning a new water sport.

In my last blog entry I wrote about the controversial "Are you beach body ready?" campaign that backfired with Londoners.  If you do want to optimise your body composition by gaining some muscle and dropping excess fat then you'll need workouts that do exactly that.  At Precision Movement we encourage you to combine your aesthetic goals with a sport or an event in mind.  We find that you achieve your aesthetic goals with the training you do for your goal or event anyway - so why not kill two birds with one stone!  From a psychological perspective we also think it's healthier to gear your training towards a sports goal over just how you look on the beach.

High intensity exercise is best for burning fat and leaning out.  I did this training for 3 months last year which you can read about here.  I recommend 4 x 45-60 minutes of intense training per week and, if you can squeeze in 1-2 restorative yoga and/or meditation sessions.  Make sure you have a good stable core, good joint integrity, good postural alignment and good movement patterning and vary your exercise as much has possible.Find a workout buddy for extra motivation and some healthy competition.  For best results seek out a personal trainer or a sports specific conditioning specialist.


Here are my top 5 most efficient fat loss workouts that will get you in optimal summer sports fitness shape:

1.  HIIT

2.  Modified strongman training

3.  Spin 

4.  Boxing/kickboxing or any high intensity martial arts 

5.  Sprint/tabata training

To support your training read my blog on optimising nutritional support for your workouts HERE.


Above all, remember your body is your house, it's where you live.  So take care of it, keep it clean and love it.  Bodies, like houses, come in all shapes and sizes - its about what you can do with your body that really matters.

Are you beach body ready? The ad campaign that backfired!


I'm sure by now most of you have seen the Protein World adverts sporting a yellow bikini clad woman and the controversial "are you beach body ready?" slogan.  And you've also probably seen London's rather entertaining response to the adverts (see above) which I find hilarious! 

I find it encouraging that the people of London have responded to this rather shallow reason to take care of yourself. It makes me think that collectively Londoners are thinking about their bodies and their training in terms of a lifestyle choice rather than as a means to looking good on a beach for 2 weeks a year. And that makes me really happy! 

It also made me think about the reasons why we choose to exercise.  I was predictably going to write an article on getting your body ready for the summer but when I saw the backlash to the Protein world adverts I remembered that everyone I work with has one of the following if not all of the below motivations and yet still seem to look mighty fine on the beach every year!  So in protest of "beach body ready" here are 6 healthier and happier motivations to exercise regularly...

1. Goal-driven training is top priority here at Precision Movement. I absolutely love it when clients tell me they have an event or an adventure they want to take part in. Goal-driven training does two important things, firstly it gives direction and purpose to your training in the gym and secondly it takes the focus away from aesthetics and because of your goal-driven training you tend to achieve them anyway. 

2. The feel good factor of exercise is undeniable. There is not one client who leaves the studio who doesn't feel much better after training than when they walked in.  I'd love to take credit for this but sadly it's a chemical by-product of exercise and movement. On a daily basis you can chemically make yourself feel better through movement and exercise - why wouldn't you want to feel better? Exercising to feel better just makes sense. 

3. I prefer the motivations of a "strong body fit for life" over looking good on the beach. Anyone who is strong and eats well is going to look good on the beach.  In addition having a strong and able body works wonders on confidence, how you carry yourself and how others relate to you. In contrast people can also sense when you are obsessive about how you look which promotes insecurity and makes others doubt your abilities and whether you are trustworthy. 

4. Another great motivation for exercising regularly is for longevity. We are living longer and we need a body that can support a longer life. Exercise helps maintain good posture, reduce the risk of degenerative changes, decreases the decline of bone density with age, and maintain healthy functioning muscle and connective tissue. 

5. Regular exercise and movement also helps your brain work better. You get a release of BDNF which nourishes brain cells and encourages new neural connections effectively making you smarter. Regular exercise   This is by far my favourite motivation for exercising regularly. 

6. Exercise is a great way to get rid if excess stress that might otherwise create unwanted conflict. We all have stress from work, family, commuting and life in general. Exercise is a safe, healthy and effective way to let to of all the tension that builds up. 

So when you see one of the protein world adverts that has not already been vandalised have a think about what motivates you to exercise regularly and if the mood takes you, correct the ad as you see fit - jokes! :p Due to protests the adverts have now been removed. I just love Londoners :) 

Featured Specialist: Karen Maidment Functional Nutritionist - keeping your insides healthy!

Karen Maidment

Karen Maidment is co-owner of Pure Body Balance in Gloucestershire.  She is also the author of Meals that Heal and the creator of specialist cooking workshops that teach you how to make meals that really do heal your body.  Karen not only specialises in nutrition but in all the systems of the body and how they work together to optimise a healthier happier lifestyle. Karen works with clients of Precision Movement to optimise their lifestyle and nutrition aspects of health to support the training they do with us.


KT:  What sparked your interest in Nutrition and wellness?

Karen: I have always had a love for cooking and food. From a very young age my sister and I were encouraged to get involved with our parents back garden allotment. We would get paid a penny for every caterpillar we removed from Dads cabbages! And my mum would pop us on a foot stool so that we could reach the worktop and make little cookies and fairy cakes. I grew up in the countryside where blackberry picking, locally shot pheasant and rabbit and home grown produce were part of the norm.

Later on in life during a dip in enthusiasm for my post graduate career in fashion my now husband and business partner Adrian, encouraged me to follow my heart and begin a distance learning course in Nutrition Coaching. Three years later as I was coming to the end of this first course Adrian was taken seriously ill with Crohns Disease. After 2 years of misdiagnosis he finally ended up having major surgery and so we used both his education with the CHEK Institute and my knowledge in nutrition and lifestyle management to turn his health around.


KT:  For you, what is the foundation of health?

Karen:  Actually to me a healthy mindset is the key. After a decade studying and working in the health industry I have come to realise that as health coaches we tend to be way to hard on ourselves. There is a level of perfectionism that we seem to aim for that is simply unattainable. Yes eating organic food, clean water and seasonal produce are the foundations of my nutritional regime, BUT honestly none of this matters if I dont like, love and respect myself enough to make those choices daily. Most importantly, it's to treat myself with compassion when I dont make the most healthful choices. I am only human after all!


KT: What types of people usually seek out your help and why?

Karen:  This has evolved as I have evolved both as a coach and with my own health journey. During my 10 or so years in the industry I have worked through numerous health issues myself, in fact I am still a work in progress. From Adrenal Fatigue to Amenorrhea, IBS to Insomnia. I tend to find that clients with similar health issues to those I am working through seek me out. A few years ago I started my website at that time I was working through major IBS symptoms and so it seemed natural to me to share how I was healing myself with my clients. Now I tend to be working a lot with auto immune disease and adrenal fatigue. Many of my closet family members have various auto immune diseases, such as my husband and after an incredibly successful and busy year in 2014 my adrenal health certainly took a hit!  My clients tell me that they connect with me due to my authenticity and ability to show compassion through my own challenges. It requires a great deal of courage on my part to show what I sometimes feel are my imperfections, but my clients LOVE that. It makes them feel understood and shows them that if I can get well they can too.


KT:  How do you help people achieve better health and wellness?

Karen:  Nutrition and lifestyle coaching fused with practical recipe and cookery support. Ultimately there is no point knowing what you can and cant eat if you dont know how to cook and follow a basic recipe.


KT:  What do you specialise in?

Karen:  Many back pain syndromes and injuries are caused by inflammation which creates instability leading to injury. For instance tennis elbow and lumbar spine weakness have show to reduce and resolve themselves once inflammatory foods such as gluten and dairy have been taken out of the diet. I often see reoccurring injuries failing to heal after corrective exercises and hands on therapy due to this inflammatory process. In addition using foods as medicine you can actually facilitate a quicker recovery from pain and injury. Saturated fats for instance are known to improve bone, muscle and tissue structure, as is homemade bone broth which contains high amount of collagen and gelatin. I have seen fantastic results by supplementing with a mixture of bone broth and Great Lakes Gelatin in structural and tissue related injuries.  Anti inflammatory juices containing ingredients such as fresh turmeric and beetroot and calcium rich greens such as kale and spinach are also great nutritional medicinal tools to promote recovery.


KT:  What do you typically eat for breakfast?

Karen:  We follow a Paleo type diet so we often have eggs, salad and some root veggies. I make us a seasonal green juice everyday which nearly always has fresh lemon and ginger, two of my favourite juicing ingredients. I always make sure I have live foods with my cooked protein. Poached wild salmon is a favourite as are the most incredible organic handmade pork and herb sausages from our local farm shop.


KT:  What are the four foods/supplements you cannot live without and why?

Karen:  Food wise I love organic coconut oil and ghee, these are my staple forms of fat. I do not tolerate dairy very well and so ghee gives me all of the great fat soluble vitamins without the casein and lactose. Wild honey, which is my favourite sweetener, it tastes great and contains live enzymes to help you break down carbohydrates whilst offering up antibacterial properties. Homemade broth to keep my digestive system happy and my bones, skin and muscle strong.

With regards to supplements I cannot live without the North American Herbs & Spice range, these are food grade, wild and handpicked. Particularly I love their probiotics (Healthbac), there adrenal and B vitamin booster (PurelyB) and their mineral support (Purelymin). I do not take any supplement every day, rather I listen to what my body needs and take them as and when I feel my body needs a little boost. Bear in mind that most supplements that you buy are synthetic and are actually of very little use to your body.


KT:  With Easter just around the corner, can you recommend a healthier option for a chocolate Easter egg?

Karen:  I am totally in love with Booja Booja chocolates, particularly the champagne ones. They taste insanely good and contain no dairy or gluten, to big no-nos for my health. They are also organic. You could also consider making your own raw chocolates, there is a fab recipe in my cook book Meals That Heal.


Karen's book Meals that Heal is available to purchase HERE 

Details of Karen's next cookery workshops can be found HERE 

To find out more about working with Karen to optimise your nutritional health please contact her at or call the centre on 01285 83127.

The work-in is the new workout

8-25th feb.jpg

It's 6 weeks into 2015 and typically many of us are still going crazy in the gym, spin studio, HIIT studio or whatever new thing you've nominated to change your body in 12 weeks that you pray lasts the other 9 months of the year.  Around about this time, you are probably starting to think this beginning of the year body transformation is a big commitment, perhaps a bit too big for your social life and more importantly your energy levels and your happiness.  This weeks blog post champions the work-in - the chilled out exercise choice that makes you feel good without draining your energy and spirit which often leads to giving up and/or burnout.


The stress state

The body is always trying to maintain equilibrium, balance or the science term - homeostasis.  In the autonomic nervous system you have the sympathetic and parasympathetic states.  In a  sympathetic state the body sends out breakdown hormones - a typical example of this is when you do high intensity exercise.  Don't worry this is good because by breaking down your muscles you encourage them to rebuild and adapt to the stress you put them under. You also induce a sympathetic state when you are stressed - mental or emotional, physical, nutritional, environmental, chemical.  If you put your body in a sympathetic state too much from work, life and exercise you'll pull yourself out of balance and this leads to burnout - mentally and physically.


The chillout state

In a parasympathetic state the body sends out repair hormones to mend damage you've incurred throughout the day as well as helping you digest food and helping you sleep.  This state is as important to your health as the sympathetic high energy state.  It is possible to spend too much time in a parasympathetic state which makes you feel lethargic and apathetic and an energetic uplifting workout can help lift you up out of this.  Generally though, we spend more time in a sympathetic state because of the busy demanding lives we lead.  What is most important here is balance. - both the sympathetic and parasympathetic states are important and through movement we can induce both.


The work-in solution

There are exercise choices that induce a parasympathetic state.  It's really important to balance out your high intensity fat burning, fitness increasing workouts with the reparative recovery work-ins.  I know at the beginning of the year you might be keen to get yourself in the best shape of your life and I am all for that - really I am.  However, I don't see getting fit as a January to March thing.  I see getting fit and maintaining fitness, health and wellness as a life thing.  Life is an endurance race not a sprint.  Balancing out your workouts and work-ins may mean your goal may take a bit longer but it will be a happier experience getting there, you'll be able to maintain it for longer (I am hoping for life) and your chances of burning out will be much reduced.


How to structure your workouts and work-ins

At Precision Movement we recommend our clients participate in 2-3 high intensity (between 70-90% of your max effort) 40-60 minute workouts a week.  Good workouts I endorse are strength training, functional circuit training, modified strongman, spinning, cycling or running.

Then we recommend balancing that out with 1-2 work-ins such as hatha or kundalini yoga, a gentle swim, a walk in the country, tai chi or a good old movement meditation session.

When our clients go through through more stressful times we switch them to 2-3 work-ins and 1-2 workouts.  For very stressful times opt for the work-ins only.  Work-in movement helps to relieve stress if it is done in a gentle and reparative way without adding to your stress. 

Training Yourself back from Adversity - my True Story

Precision Movement's KT talks about how training brought her back from adversity

Precision Movement's KT talks about how training brought her back from adversity

For those of you who know me I like to keep my personal life well personal.  But today I set a personal precedent and share how I used training to come back from adversity and why it is the healthiest and most positive way to empower yourself when someone or something kicks you down.  Earlier this year I got whacked with the adversity bat.  I'm not going to divulge much further than that as adversity comes in many packages - bereavement, heartbreak, illness, burnout, divorce are the big ones and they can all be as painful as the other.  The one thing they have in common is the ability to knock you sideways, leaving you shocked, stunned, lost, insecure and lacking confidence.  Your friends and family are great and they console and support you as best they can.  But what you really need is a way back up to where you were because you have commitments, a job and people that depend on you functioning and performing well.  The one thing I reach for when I am faced with adversity is training.  I've also got amazing friends who have entered Fitness Modelling competitions and Ironman competitions with the same goal - to train themselves out of adversity.  For me, it serves so many purposes.  Here are the main things that gave me my journey out of adversity back to my amazing energetic and fabulous self and why they played such an important role for me personally.

The Goal 

I felt really lost - like I was spinning which is a common feeling when your whole world is up-ended.  I needed a focus and exercise gave me that.  For an hour each day I was able to switch off my constant chatter and just focus on how it felt to train my body back to my usual fitness level.  I made myself work hard and endure the discomfort and it was mind-numbingly wonderful.  I set myself a very superficial goal which I would never encourage my clients or you to do but I had my reasons and it motivated me.  I wanted a visible six pack in 3 months and I wanted to build a 'suit of armour' with my body.  I knew I had to train very hard to achieve this and I also had to eat a very clean diet.  Once I had established this goal it was easy for me to stick to eating well and training hard.  I wore my best workout outfits for every training session and took photos of my progress periodically for motivation and to see my improvements. 

Training Myself to Sleep

I had a really hard time sleeping for about a month so I couldn't start training right away.  When I finally felt I could start, sleep came so easily and I cannot tell you how much it helped me.  Lack of sleep was slowing the mental and emotional recovery process for me.  Getting back to exercise and exhausting myself helped me sleep better and I was able to begin thinking rationally through the day.  My performance at work got better and this made me feel good.

Empowering Myself

The best part about training myself out of adversity was exercise empowered me.  I chose to focus on high intensity training for short durations.  I wanted to feel invincible.  As I had trained as a boxer years ago I went back to boxing and kickboxing training.  This was an obvious outlet for strong emotions.  As part of my training I also chose the short distance of 5k which I ended up doing every day increasing the speed over this set distance.  I also did a mix of bodyweight and strength training workouts a few times a week.  A certain points I was training twice a day.  After 3 months I was 'fight fit', I had decreased my 5k run by 8 mins and I was ripped!  See the photos below!

Precision Movment's KT shows her fitness results - a great body

Precision Movment's KT shows her fitness results - a great body

The Happy Hormone

Adversity can bring sadness which is a tough one to get through.  Once I began exercising I started to feel less sad and then I started to feel better and it didn't take long before I was experiencing the feelings of happiness again.  This helped me get through my day with more positivity and energy.  I found myself wanting to do activities and spend time with people again.  I quickly realised that sadness was not serving me for my next workout and I got out of the habit of allowing myself to be sad.

The Best Pathway 

There are many choices when it comes to dealing with tough stuff.  Some of us may use alcohol or other state changers to escape and numb tough emotions.  Some of us sink into depression for a while.  You may start comfort eating or not eating enough.  But I hope this personal experience that I've shared with you will inspire you to consider using exercise as a means of recovery from adversity - whether you are going through something now or when it may hit you in the future.  There are so many benefits - you will look and feel better, you'll gain fitness, you'll be healthier, happier, more energised, empowered, confident and life will soon become enjoyable and good again.

Have you trained yourself out of adversity?  Share your story with me on the Precision Movement Facebook page.  Do you need to train yourself out of a tough situation?  Get in contact with me, KT, at  

Precision Movement's makeover - we've got it all!

Precision Movement's new look

Precision Movement's new look

Over the past 9 months Precision Movement has been through big makeover.  We've got a whole new image and some exciting new fitness services to offer you.  There is something for everyone.  So without further ado, please read on to find out more about our new look!...

The new space 

Precision Movement fitness room at Grosvenor House Apartments by Jumeriah Living

Precision Movement fitness room at Grosvenor House Apartments by Jumeriah Living

For those of you who don't already know, Precision Movement is now housed at Grosvenor House Apartments by Jumeirah Living on Park Lane in Mayfair.  Our compact yet open space is perfect for all types of personal training services.  The space is yours for the duration of your session including choice of music and temperature of the room.  Afterwards you can relax in the adjoining spa shower or in the unique atrium restaurant with exclusive access to guests of the hotel and clients of Precision Movement only.

Back and Injury Care 

Precision Movement back and injury care rehabilitative exercise

Precision Movement back and injury care rehabilitative exercise

Precision Movement was founded by KT who is an rehabilitative exercise specialist.  KT works with all types of injuries and back pain problems from post-surgical to non-specific and everything in-between.  She takes a complete approach to uncover the root cause of your discomfort so that you can heal and recover effectively once and for all.  KT begins with a comprehensive assessment to ascertain how you move and what your posture is like and then she works with you to improve alignment, get your muscles to support you optimally to take stress away from areas of discomfort.  Click here for a case study of her work.

 Precision Movement 2 - health fitness and wellness that works!

Precision Movement 2 health fitness and wellness that works

Precision Movement 2 health fitness and wellness that works

Precision Movement 2 is all about possibilities! When you are aligned, stable & strong we ask you one simple question – where do you want to go from here? For us we see your health & fitness possibilities as exponential. We help keep you fit for life, fit for your sport, or fit to look and feel your very best.  We can also train you for an event like a marathon or a triathlon.  We use the most fun and creative fitness methods to keep you entertained and challenged whilst taking the utmost care with your form and alignment.  We like to think we create mini athletes at PM2! Our clients leave feeling satisfied, worked and energised!  

Precision Movement STRETCH 

Precision Movement Stretch dynamic flowing yoga based movement

Precision Movement Stretch dynamic flowing yoga based movement

Precision Movement STRETCH is an interactive flowing yoga inspired workout that takes you through poses to improve balance, flexibility and strength. We’ll also work to your individual fitness needs to address your posture.  It's great if you have just come off a long haul flight and need to get on London time and also great for an after-work work-in.  We’ll create a calm and peaceful environment for your mind to settle and for you to let go of your stress. You’ll leave feeling like a person reborn!  

Precision Movement KICK

Precision Movement boxing and kickboxing training

Precision Movement boxing and kickboxing training

Precision Movement KICK is all about boxing and kickboxing.  KT is a trained boxer and is a big advocate of using a sport to gain and maintain fitness.  Martial arts requires the use of the 8 biomotor abilities that make up fitness which means you'll get a little of everything.  The best part is of course that you get to kid land punch stuff really hard!  It is the best stress management tool I know and it really does get you super fit in a fun and challenging way.

Precision Movement Classique

Precision Movement Classique real ballet training

Precision Movement Classique real ballet training

KT trained and worked as a professional dancer before she got into fitness and injury rehabilitation.  She is a huge fan of teaching people REAL ballet technique not a fitness fad version - the type that actually transforms your body.  You’ll go through the techniques, exercises and mentally challenging routines that professional ballet dancers use to achieve their long lean legs and wash board abdominals without using any weights! You’ll also develop that statuesque posture and grace that makes the room stop and look at you.  If you really want to look like a ballerina then Precision Movement Classique is the workout for you! 

Precision Movement Expecting

Precision Movement expecting pre post natal training

Precision Movement expecting pre post natal training

Precision Movement expecting is a specially designed programme for women to support your movement and body maintenance needs before, during and after your pregnancy. When you are preparing to have a child we’ll create bespoke exercise programmes for you to energise and support your body without exhausting you.  We’ll adapt and modify your exercise programme to your needs at the different stages of pregnancy that will optimise your energy level, support and mobilise your changing body and help you manage healthy weight gain to make you feel positive and comfortable.  We’ll guide you gradually, safely and effectively back to shape. We will give particular attention to the realignment of your posture and the stability of your pelvis and spine through effective core activation and support. So that you can enjoy the first few months with your new arrival and still look and feel amazing!

Your trainer KT - still the same! 

Precision Movement's trainer KT

Precision Movement's trainer KT

Some things never change!  It's true I am still the same just a little older and much much wiser.  And shamelessly proud of Precision Movement's new space and look.  If you haven't visited me recently, please do come over for a tea or a fresh juice and I'll show you around.  Even better, book in for a workout - we've got everything covered now and we'd be delighted to help you with any and all of your fitness endeavours.  Remember you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to stay in the know, motivated and inspired...  Like I said, some things never change!  

Contact KT at and visit the website for more information about how we  can help you more specifically at