I had a couple of friends who ha seen KT for injuries they had been suffering with and had nothing but good things to say about her. When they talked about the kinds of movements and exercises they were doing they were functional, focussed on core movement patterns which I knew I needed to work on.
When she assessed me she pointed out a couple of imbalances that I was aware of but not working on - partly because I didn’t know where to start and partly because I wasn’t that motivated.
Even within a few weeks I saw changes I wasn’t expecting, better awareness of how I was moving, going about daily routines, opening up my chest and improved posture.
At the end of 12 weeks I feel more in tune with my movements (both while working out and just moving day to day). My posture is improved, core strength had increased and my wrists and shoulders feel strong for the first time ever.
Elliot, Finance